78uuu lumière des étoiles


2004-09-12   6:17 p.m.

So let me get this straight. Someone reports seeing a mushroom cloud over North Korea - the country that for months has been saying "Hey! Over here! Tons o' WMD! Nukes galore! Hey! Are you paying attention?" - and today Condi tells us to ignore it?

"Oh that?" she and other gov't officials said all over the radio today, "That was just...a...voracious soccer game. No, um...a...forest fire! Yeah, that's it, a forest fire". 'Cause we all know how those trees just EXPLODE VIOLENTLY and emit NOXIOUS FUMES when set ablaze. Yes, surely we recall how many mushroom clouds were spotted over the North West of the United States when there were so many forest fires there last year. Um, who here took high school science? Come on, raise your hands...that's it. So who here realizes how FULL OF CRAP this story is, then?

Or what's worse: when there is no possible threat, when there are no weapons, we attack and ravage a country, sending people who aren't even allowed to buy wine to kill other people and then return dead or severely injured themselves, but when we KNOW of an IMMINENT threat, and we know FOR SURE there are weapons and a country begins TESTING them for USE, flaunting their power in the rest of the world's faces, we're told not to pay attention? Over and over and over again with this administration, it's been so appropriate to use my favorite line from the Wizard of Oz: "Um...ah...P..Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"