78uuu lumière des étoiles


2003-12-16   4:26 p.m.

That's me.

Oh, did I have plans to write this week; to write and write and write about South Africa, Morrocco, England, republicans, cheap travel, Gen. Clark, constelations, parties, and the introspective and moody character named Prat who's the star of my newest. I want to be able to work on Prat more this week - I don't want what happened to Madeline, the star of my oldest, to happen to her. Prat shall never see the locked, inside of my desk drawer or go down in flames in my kitchen sink as long as my muses keep clearing the cobwebs from my brain and helping me think about origninal plots.

Sean's party was a success, not that he'd remember, neccessarily. I suppose that's a good thing, though; he was having fun, that's for sure.

It was the fratenist-frat party we've had in a while. Just last week we were talking about how getting old means you don't have those John Hughes-type parties anymore, which isn't neccessarily a bad thing. It was great to have another - though there were a few losses:

- One Martini glass, one wine glass

- An entire bottle of champagne, which slipped from Andrew's grasp as he sweetly tried to help us open it

- Some of Sean's blood, as his stitched sculpting-wound from a few days before re-opened

- A few moments of consciousness for John's girlfriend Agatha, as she saw Sean's sculpting-wound start bleeding and fainted

- Some of Sean's hair - perhaps that candle was a little too close to the edge of the bathroom shelf

- A bag of limes, which left in the freezer, turned brown over night

- my cell phone, which apparently, after deciding that it didn't like working for me or living on Hudson St. anymore, got up and walked out of the apt. all by it self. Didn't even leave a note. Biotch.

That's the most likely explanation I can come to - I took a call on it from a friend around 11:30 pm the night of the party, then put it in our bedroom. Perhaps I did put it in some other room, but I did not leave the house with it. However, it is no longer in the house, and no one seems to have mistakenly taken it home. Hmm. Oh well, good thing after the rebate it was only 20 bucks. sucky sucky.

Gave my writing students their final exam on Monday - all but 4 passed in one group, all but 3 in another. These are really good numbers, considering each is a class of about 24, and i'm dern proud. I think I'm finally learning how to be a good writing teacher. I don't think I was ever bad, I just think I used to be a bit formulaic. Doing things a little bit differently this semester has seemed to help communication and comprehension between myself and my students - and obviously, based on their exam results and their final papers (only one of which was plagiarized, horray!), seemed to help their writing improve a lot. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm innovative, yet, but I think I'm trying hard enough to be well on my way there.

I'm so glad the day ended well yesterday - I was bummed about my cell phone, and bummed that the sudden bolstering economy and triumphant capture of Saddam Hussein will greatly help Bush's re-election campaign. Golly gosh, what a wonderful coincidence for our Commander in Cheif. Either he's a lucky bastard, or the good ol' boy network can rig more than just an American presidential election.

Feh, enough. I'm going back to grading my WS papers - they are the last grades I have to submit. I'll be done with all of my grading by tomorrow, and I can actually start


(A Shameless plug for my friend Alice's book. Buy it!)