78uuu lumière des étoiles


Sweet day
2003-09-20   9:50 a.m.

Feel so peaceful today. Had an amazing Thursday & Friday, saw old and new friends in old and new places. I love the people around me - each one unique in the role they play. Talked for a long time about houses with Sam. Filled Kevin in on the details of my book. Talked to Ryan about marriage, his wife's law school drama, and karma. Talked to Amy about Feminist Theory, and the Grad student's tendency to ignore everyone but Faulkner, Bloom, and whoever else you think is a genius that week.

Don't understand where this energy is coming from, but I like it. It's resulted in quite a lot of fun these past few nights, especially of the at home variety. Maybe it's the change of season. It's always nice, though, isn't it, when you rediscover just how attracted you are to someone; when you stop and watch them from across the room, in disbelief that you have somehow nabbed a really attractive human being.

Had a couple conversations with quite a few people over the past few days - decided that cranky bosses, self-righteous ex-boyfriends who would like to martyr themselves but can't quite find the right cross, mean neighbors and unforgiving grandmas just won't bother us anymore, if we don't let them. Isn't it strange when you go through something, and your friends then do a week later? More than strange, it's fate.

Tired this morning, out too late with Gary, Ryan, and Steve last night. I'm off to see my little cousin play Field Hockey (well not so little at 16, I guess), and then maybe ride bikes or just lie in the grass and watch this beautiful sky with my sweet husband.

It's a glorious day.
