78uuu lumière des étoiles


Oh no he dint...
2008-09-05   12:38 p.m.


Seriously, it's so tacky. You're a fembot agent of the patriarchy, and we won't be fooled by a Trojan Horse, no matter how many times it says "glass ceiling" or "women's rights".

I have been studying the global political economy, nation-state relations since WWII and the function of inter-governmental agreements and institutions for precisely two years. I'm a former literature/humanities student who knew very little - still knows very little - about political science methodology, the construction of diplomacy and agreements in international relations. However, I'm convinced that I KNOW MORE THAN SARAH PALIN about "foreign policy", globalization, and America in a global context. I know a high school kid who likes to read books about South East Asia, and who recently visited Malaysia and Cambodia with a group of people from his church. I'm hedging that he, too, has thought more extensively and meaningfully about foreign affairs than Sarah Palin. But maybe I'm dead wrong. Or maybe we're all just dead.