78uuu lumière des étoiles


Maybe one of those fake sun lamp things would help
2007-12-29   8:37 p.m.

I was so happy 24 hours ago. Where I was for a few days, it was 80 degrees and sunny. And where I am now...it's not. And I'm happy, sort of - just not as happy as I was. Coming home to the cats sort of prolonged the happiness that had built in me over the last week. Or maybe it's more accurate to say that coming home to the cats put off the inevitable wah waaaaah that accompanies the transition from tropical and alive to stale and hibernating. So bottom line: seeing the kitties when first home delayed my sinking realization that I will not, in fact, be lying on any beach tomorrow, wondering if my sunscreen is strong enough. What I will be doing is bundling up if I merely want to do a 1.5 mile run around my neighborhood in the gray sunlight.

It's Migraine Boy* season for me. I become Migraine Boy from around December 26 (with New Year's being exempt) to about March 3 every year. If I happen to travel in that period to some place sunny, then migraine boy goes away. But usually, he's alive and thriving in the darkest months around here, inhabiting my body and making me unbearable to most. Hard to believe that in the spring, I still have friends willing to hang with me. Since we have the kitties now (one of whom is growing to the size of a small pony) and I made some new friends at school, and I've upped my routine to running 5 more miles a week (and I have new sneaks!), will I keep Migraine Boy at bay? Might good coffee and some scrabble nights (where I win, of course) help me kick Migraine Boy's ass? Will I be so busy with my research that I won't have time to indulge Migraine Boy? Stay tuned.

Migraine Boy by Greg Fiering

*Not to be confused with actual migraine season, which for me - a sufferer of barometric pressure shift-induced migraine headaches - is usually spring/early summer.